I was chatting to my supervising teacher the other day about the different levels of students in the classroom. She was telling me how some students speed through the work with ease and need extension activities whilst others struggle to finish the work. She was telling me that she was going to create a fast finishers worksheet for the students who finished early. This gave me an idea of creating a space for extension activities that students can access during free time or if they require additional work. I was thinking of hanging a pocket shoe organiser or something like below to hold a bunch of activities.
I was thinking instead of having their names on the pockets, one row would be labelled maths, another labelled science, etc etc. In each pocket would be worksheets/ activities/ educational games to do with the topics they're learning that term. This way students who finish early can walk over to the fast-finishers worksheet, pick an extension activity and get to work quietly without disrupting the rest of the class. I can't wait to implement this strategy in my classroom.